Palmer Moving

Moving Boxes

Moving Boxes

Before you pack, you’ll need the right materials in the proper amounts. Not sure what you need to keep your belongings safe? Palmer can tell you which packing materials, and how much are right for every item. All materials below can be purchased from Palmer Moving Services. Used materials, if available, are no charge to our customers.



  • 1.5 cube (small) Books, magazines, photo albums, canned goods, grain products, hand tools and other heavy items
  • 3 cube (medium) Small lampshades, small kitchen appliances, pots and pans, shoes, hats and small breakables
  • 4.5 cube (large) Medium lampshades and small or medium kitchen appliances
  • 6 cube (extra large) Large lampshades and other items too large to fit into 4.5-cube boxes
  • Dishpack (china barrel) Dinner place settings, stemware, crystal or glassware, figurines, table lamps, vases, small pictures, mirrors and glass shelves
  • Flat Screen TV Box Specially designed box that provides added protection when transporting a flat screen TV
  • Mirror (2 or 4 section) Pictures, artwork, glass tabletops (less than 7 square feet), dresser mirrors or other high-value items
  • Upright Wardrobe For garments or floor-to-ceiling drapes
  • Mattress Crib, twin, double and queen/king mattresses
  • Miscellaneous Pole lamps, golf clubs, fishing rods, rifles or shotguns


  • Corrugated or Interleaved Sheets For placement between dishes, saucers or other flat items and used to construct cylinders for delicate items
  • Tissue Paper Stuffing fragile cups and goblets, wrapping delicate figurines or artificial flower arrangements
  • Non-tarnish Paper Wrapping silverware, brass and pewter items
  • Brown Kraft Paper Wrapping large items such as pictures, mirrors or lamp bases
  • Cushioned Paper Used for easily scratched items
  • Wax Paper For oil paintings
  • Bubble Pack or Foam Peanuts For high-value porcelain figures, model ships or large crystal carvings

There are a few tools, like markers, that you probably already have in your house. A few weeks before your move, start keeping an eye out for:

  • Plastic bags for parts; labels for identification.
  • Foam peanuts, Styrofoam pellets or air-popped popcorn for filling spaces in boxes.
  • Tissue and kraft paper for wrapping items.
  • Corrugated paper rolls for figurines and fragile pieces.
  • Heavy-duty packaging tape (1.5 to 2 inches wide) for sealing boxes. Do not use duct tape or masking tape.
  • Markers and labels for identifying contents in each box.
  • Notebook and pencil for logging boxes.
  • Scissors, sharp knife, or both.


  • Use only strong, corrugated boxes with tops or flaps that fold shut.
  • Packing boxes discarded by your local grocery store can save you money, but make sure they are clean.
  • If you use old newspapers for packing, be aware the ink may rub off and stain items.
  • Atlas will inspect items before they go onto the truck to ensure everything has the proper protection for safe transport. Be prepared to repack a box if your Atlas Agent doesn’t believe it’s packed safely.